There are a lot of addictions and a lot of us had or still have one or more. Stopping an addiction is difficult and painful, but the consequence of not stopping can be catastrophic.
Democrats and Republicans in Washington have had a spending addiction spanning decades. This may be the most difficult of all addictions to quell because they’re spending other people’s money, and there’s no visible consequence for their actions. In fact, there’s a benefit to overspending on targeted constituencies, as it gets them reelected.
Unfortunately, most Americans are unaware of the potentially catastrophic results of a continuation of this spending. You can see the unfortunate results of many of the other addictions in yourself, your spouse, family members, neighbors or co-workers. But the national debt means nothing to most people even though it affects everyone.
There is great concern about a declining economy due to this administration’s policies, and it will be an agonizing process for the citizenry as attempts to control this spending continue. The population will suffer in the short term, but it will be catastrophic if it continues.