As a (very) senior who, along with my senior friends, has difficulty driving at night, I have been looking forward to the return of daylight saving time. That extra hour makes it possible for me to go places (such as restaurants) that I haven’t been comfortable going.
A CBS news item a couple of years ago mentioned that 72 percent of those polled were in favor of maintain daylight saving time year round. As with most polls, a number of respondents probably had no opinion, making the number even higher than those objecting.
Asf for the health or driving aspects, l believe the real objection is to the change and not whether it is forward or back. Once people are accustomed to the time, it should make no difference which is maintained.
It seems to me that “standard” time was so called to differentiate from daylight saving time. If daylight saving time is made permanent (please!) there would be no reason to ever refer to standard time again.