People should be wary of a new scam that involves calls, texts and emails that threaten to arrest people unless they pay thousands for missing jury duty, a Nevada court said Wednesday in a news release.
The scam, which primarily targets older people and other vulnerable populations, is part of an old scheme that “has been taken to a sophisticated new level that casts a much wider net than prior versions,” the Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court said.
“This scam repeatedly makes the rounds in our community, but we’re seeing an elevated version this time. They are using text messages and other methods that appear to be reaching many more people,” District Court Chief Judge Jerry Wiese said in the release. “ We advise the community to always be wary of those calling for money or personal information. That is something the court never does.”
While the messages may seem legitimate, here are some tells the court said you should look out for to know if the call is fake:
— The court or law enforcement will not call you for a payment for a warrant for missing jury duty.
— No official court personnel will ask you to met them on the courthouse steps for any payment.
— No official representatives of the court will call to solicit money for any purpose.
— The court will not call or email to ask you to make payment for a warrant with a pre-paid credit card.
— The court does not call or email or text people to get personal information, including their social security number.
— People who receive suspicious emails or calls asking for money or pre-paid credit cards should not respond and are advised to contact the Attorney General’s office or Metro Financial Crimes Unit.
— The court does want you to respond to an official jury summons when you receive one in the mail.
For information on jury service, visit clarkcountycourts.us/ejdc/juror-information/index.html. If you received a summons, you can reschedule jury service online at ejuror.clarkcountycourts.us.
A jury phone line is also available at 725-215-1011. Push 0 for an operator.
Contact Taylor Lane at tlane@reviewjournal.com.