Ferraro’s Ristorante of Las Vegas has once again been named one of the finest Italian restaurants on the planet.
Gambero Rosso International, the platform that is among the world’s leading authorities on Italian food and wine, recently awarded Ferraro’s three forks (tre forchette), the top rating, for the culinary program led by executive chef Mimmo Ferraro. Three forks earned the restaurant a place in the Gambero Rosso Top Italian Restaurants Guide for the best global Italian restaurants outside of Italy for 2024.
Last year, Ferraro’s received three forks and a spot on the 2023 list of top Italian restaurants beyond Italy. In 2023, Gambero Rosso gave Ferraro’s three bottles (tre bottiglie), its top rating for wine programs.
Although the Ferraro family received the award in late February at Gambero Rosso’s Top Italian Wines Roadshow in Vegas, the platform has not released the restaurants and the countries on the 2024 list. In 2023, the list of leading Italian restaurants outside Italy encompassed 33 restaurants (eight of them in the U.S.) across 16 countries.
Ferraro’s Ristorante, 4480 Paradise Road, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2025, making it an eminenza among Vegas restaurants. Visit Ferraro’s ferraroslasvegas.com.
Contact Johnathan L. Wright at jwright@reviewjournal.com. Follow @JLWTaste on Instagram.