Your Sunday headline, “Easier said than run,” highlights another campaign promise that either won’t or can’t be kept.
Donald Trump said that Joe Biden made prices too high, so vote for him and he’d lower them on day one. His followers believed him. Then, after the election, he said that when prices are high, it’s tough to lower them (basic Econ 101). His supporters nodded in agreement. Two weeks ago, he adjusted his stance again, saying he may not be able to lower prices immediately, but he has “a plan.” Another promise down the drain.
Mr. Trump’s pledge to deport all illegal immigrants shifted after the election to just deporting illegal felons. So why not deport the other illegals? Could it be that Republican-aligned meatpacking and big-box companies have struck a deal to keep their cheap, illegal labor?
We now enter the era of alibis and excuses for those who actually believed all those campaign promises.